Centennial Park to get more lighting for skate park, pickleball courts
Jun 06, 2023 01:14PM ● By Travis Barton
More lights are coming to Centennial Park, the pickleball courts and skate park to be exact.
“This is something that’s been requested, quite honestly, for years,” Parks and Recreation Director Nancy Day told the West Valley City Council.
The council approved in early May two agreements allowing the city to spend just under $188,000 to match grant funding from Salt Lake County.
Day explained it helps on various levels both safety-wise and environmentally noting the hot summers make for congested times during the cooler hours of the day.
Lights would stay on until 11 p.m. and come on at 6 a.m. pending the time of year. The park is located at 5405 W. 3100 South.
Seven people spoke during the May 2 council meeting prior the vote in favor of the lights purchase and installation, specifically for the skate park.
One person who spoke, Travis Bellantino, said he used to skateboard in the late 80’s when they had to either build their own skate parks or “get chased out of a local park.” He eventually stopped skating after high school. But when he saw the West Valley skate park building a snake run, he was inspired to pick up his board again.
He also serves as an ambassador for the Skate Park Respect nonprofit that aims to conserve skate parks and spots through outreach and cleanup efforts. Maintenance and cleaning is something he does regularly at the West Valley skate park, he added, noting it will help keep kids off the street.
Holladay City Council meetings also recently saw youth skaters and an ambassador from Skate Park Respect advocate for lights at their skate park.
Several of those who spoke to the West Valley council were teenagers, but there was also a mom, Christy Van Buskirk, who pointed out what the park has done for her family.
“I started skating a year ago to bond with my 12-year-old son,” she said. “It’s become an important part of my life. The West Valley City Skate Park is phenomenal, I love it. I go there several times a week.”
Another West Valley City resident Bryan Borrios said extending the hours will help young adults like him who are starting 9-5 jobs and only able to skate at night.
Chris Bambaro drives there every morning from South Jordan to skate before starting work at USANA. He added the lights would affect the community too.
“The longer you keep kids engaged at night, the happier everyone is,” he said. “I travel all the way from South Jordan every morning to come skateboard here. This park has got a hold of us all.” λ