New park coming to Grasmere Lane
Sep 07, 2021 04:24PM ● By Travis Barton
The location of the upcoming Grasmere Park. (Travis Barton/City Journals)
By Travis Barton | [email protected]
For years residents have voiced their desire for more green space, such as parks, to undeveloped areas as opposed to higher density housing being built on the land.
Now one of those smaller, undeveloped pieces of land will be built into a park after the West Valley City Council unanimously approved a contract with Entelen Construction.
The one-acre property located at 3876 S. Grasmere Lane will see a park featuring a playground, pavilion, picnic tables, benches, walking path, exercise equipment, trees, shrubs, drinking fountain and an open grass area.
City officials used online surveys to collect residents opinions on the park’s name and features. Jason Ereksen, assistant parks and recreation director, expected construction to begin as soon as possible and the park to be completed within 90 days, weather permitting.
Construction of the park is expected to cost just over $535,000 with funds coming from the city’s CDBG (Community Development Block Grants), an annual federal program that provides grants to cities, counties and states.
The city received five bids to build the park and chose Entelen as the lowest responsible bidder. Entelen has previously built the new parks and public works building, but this will be the company’s first park in the city.