Council approves parking ordinance that requires parked cars be 5 feet from driveway
Apr 26, 2021 12:57PM ● By Travis Barton
Vehicles will be required to park more than 5 feet of a public or private driveway. (Pixabay)
By Travis Barton | [email protected]
Parking complaints and discussions often come up during West Valley City Council study meetings. Both as a result of resident comments or complaints, and regularly as questions from councilmembers regarding a potential development.
In March, a new city ordinance was proposed to prohibit parking within 5 feet of a public or private driveway. The council approved the code change on April 6 during its council meeting.
The proposal from city staff came about after discussion among elected officials about street parking that impedes visibility for cars pulling out of driveways.
“This is the most simple, straightforward action that I have seen in 12 years,” Councilman Steve Buhler told City Manager Wayne Pyle after the ordinance was introduced. “I think it’s understandable, enforceable and great job.”
Officials have spoken at length over the years regarding on-street parking. When any potential development with higher density such as townhomes or smaller single-family housing, councilmembers regularly ask how on-street parking will be limited to ensure a project’s parking doesn’t spill out into neighboring communities. Parking along 3100 South is often cited as an issue officials would like to avoid elsewhere.
One potential issue highlighted was delivery drivers being possibly ticketed while taking packages to a resident. Mayor Ron Bigelow said that unless someone makes an issue, this should simply be accepted.
The ordinance does protect those who are picking up or dropping off as long as the “driver remains in the vehicle and the engine remains running,” according to the code’s language.