WestFest Carnival to Demonstrate Longevity in June
Jun 16, 2016 08:16AM ● By Bryan ScottWestFest began in the late 70’s before West Valley was a city. – Kevin Conde
By Travis Barton | [email protected]
For over four decades, WestFest has invaded the west side of the valley and 2016 is no different.
From Thursday, June 16 through Sunday, June 19, the annual WestFest celebration comes to Centennial Park to commemorating the establishment of West Valley City and the recognition of its citizens’ various backgrounds.
Started in the late 70’s before West Valley was even a city, WestFest has maintained longevity with this year’s celebration running for four days with dozens of events and activities.
“Our key is the volunteers,” Kevin Conde, committee member, said.
Conde has been around since the beginning when he was Co-Chair of the Valley West Area Chamber of Commerce with Dave Harvey and other chamber members.
Conde said the first WestFest they held at Granger Park had a car show, pony rides, hilo rides and two or three food booths.
“Our stage was my neighbor’s diesel flatbed trailer,” Conde said.
When the area turned into a city, it kept going under the Assistant City Manager as “the city’s birthday party.”
“It’s turned out to stay awhile,” Conde said.
Conde said volunteers are essential to putting it on year after year. He said he’s been adding up the years from short and long term volunteers and has currently reached 251.
“This just for the love of it from the residents of West Valley City…it’s unheard of,” Conde said.
The 2016 version has come a long way from a few food booths. This year will see over 80 vendors with food trucks and two separate stages for bands and other festivities.
A carnival will run from Thursday to Sunday with events and activities including a talent showcase competition, a Zumba-fest, outdoor movie, a West Valley Symphony Concert, a concert extravaganza on Saturday and a fireworks show.